God's love

God's love
you are justified!

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

SEXUAL IMMORALITY; how do i overcome it?

Sexual sin is a major problem in the life of youths today, many of my friends have asked me how I manage to stay out of it and how they can be free from sexual perversions. I have tried to answer their questions but I could not answer them by myself and this made we go into solitary to hear from God through his word. So this is it. The word of God (the bible) cannot tell you how to overcome sexual perversions but the spirit of God that lives in you can teach you how. Looking into scriptures, I found a profound statement in 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee sexual immorality! “Every sin that a man does is outside the body,” but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body’. You must flee sexual temptations like Joseph did, don’t ever think that you can fight because you can’t, and so flee. Looking at that passage closely, you will discover that sexual sin affects the body, your health (STI's) etc.  

Sexual sin like every other sin starts from  
it may be a thought or something you see like pornography, after temptation, something happens and most of us fails to realize it,  
  • CONFIDENCE IN THE FLESH (‘I know I can handle this’) 
Apostle Paul said we should not trust our flesh because if you put confidence in the flesh, it will put you on the dark side. Sin starts with confidence in the flesh just like sexual sin, don’t be confident about your flesh, run like Joseph did. After you have put so much confidence in your flesh, then it results to
  • SIN 
Because our flesh is weak. After sinning,  
  • GUILT (new resolutions) 
This comes in then you start making hopeless resolutions like ‘I will never open the computer again’, ‘I will never talk to the opposite sex again’, ‘and I will never look at the opposite sex again’. Resolution don’t work because it presumes on man’s strength like the law. The more you distrust yourself on sexual perversions the better for you. So when you are done making all these helpless resolutions, fresh temptations comes all over again.  

We have the life of ‘no condemnation’ and this empowers us, when the woman caught in the act of adultery was brought to Jesus, he said ‘I do not condemn you, go and sin no more’ that empowered her to go and never do it again but today the church has turned it around, it’s now ‘go and sin no more then we will not condemn you’ so my dear reader, when you fail, remember that God does not condemn you he always says ‘I do not condemn you, go and sin no more’ this empowers us as believers. Look at Romans 8:1 ‘There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit’. This gift of grace is given to empower us to live a victorious life. This does not make us to live a careless life  

(if you think grace makes people to live a reckless life, then you don’t have a full revelation of grace which is embracing Jesus, his love and life, you only have a fraction of it which is freedom from the law) it empowers us to live the life God desires for us.

For more, contact Michael on 07061548676, Facebook: Michael.s.ekanem, email: michaelekanem92@gmail.com


  1. This is what i've been looking for. Thanks mike :)

  2. I compeletely agree with you. This has happened to me on several occasions. Now i know what to do.
